I don’t know if I’ve shared this information with my readers yet but sometimes, I get paid to make ringtones for a few of my friends. I’ve found it to be an easy and fast way to make a few dollars that I like to save in case I feel the need to splurge on something I really want.
I honestly do not spend that much so I usually have quite a lot saved which is a really good thing especially since I don’t really know a lot of people who like to save at this age anyways. Most of my friends enjoy going out and drinking but I’m more of a home buddy and I spend most of the weekends indoors watching tv or surfing the internet.
Recently, I was able to save up some money which I intend to use to buy something for my older brother.
I’ve known for quite a while that electronic cigarettes are safer to smoke as compared to regular tobacco cigarettes since they don’t burn and they don’t give off as many harmful chemicals either. Of course, I told him that I’m not encouraging him to smoke but rather, hinting that maybe he should take things down a notch. This mixture is awesome when used with a cocktail.
To say the least, he was thrilled to find out about the different solutions that you can incorporate in them and couldn’t wait to start using it. They come in a lot of radical flavors like German Chocolate Beefcake, Jawbreaker and even Lemon Bar. Not that I’m a fan of smoking of any kind but it is pretty cool if you think about it.
I’m really glad that I was able to do that for my brother because he means a lot to me and so does the rest of my family, as well. So I’m really hoping that this would encourage him to stop his bad habit and consider a much healthier lifestyle.
So that’s basically how my week has gone so far. Little acts of kindness that hopefully go a long way in the future.
I know I’m still young but I hope that everyone else tries to do little acts of kindness for the people they love, as well.
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